Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Meteors and volcanos in Antarctica

Another one for the books of weird. The kids were small, Megan probably 10 or 11, Zach 9 or 10. Dad had this fun adventure to take us on. We went to Antarctica (which was incredibly warm, or maybe it was just our coats). We swam to the very center and we were going to slide down this crazy huge ice slide that had some air drop in it.

We were just about to go down the slide when a meteor glided over head and sliced into the ocean not more than 100 yards from us. We were all wondering what it was we saw and who among us actually saw it when all of a sudden, a volcano started to erupt where the meteor had gone in. Zach was so excited, but we decided it would be best for all of us if we left antarctica before we got showered with lava.

Then I woke up.

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