Friday, March 23, 2007

Children and ex-suitors

I have no recollection at all of my first dream. I don't think it was as frustrating, because when I woke up I didn't feel frustrated. I just felt exhausted. That shouldn't surprise me, though.

The second dream I had was about a bunch of little kids, like in a daycare, or something. I was helping to take care of them. I was standing at a sink, one made up by my brain. I think Lynn was involved somehow. I also think one of the kids had to get stitches, or I did. That would be because Zach cut his knee bad enough to need four stitches yesterday.

There was a little bit to do with statistics, like the word lists kept going through my mind. Oh well.

In the third dream, I ran into a guy who I dated once. It didn't look anything at all like him. My brain decided to make sense of it by making him have some kind of prostate cancer. He actually had prostate problems when I dated him. My dad was there, I guess he kind of liked the guy.

But the guy was being really weird. His dad was trying to tell him not to eat all of the bread because someone else might want a sandwich. So he started licking the bread. It was sick. Luckily, I don't like Bologna sandwiches.

Over all, I did have a rather restful night. I even had a little fun. I'm going to write a story called dreams. I already have the opening, I think it's pretty good. I hope this is a really fun story.

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