Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blog design vs Hollywood and Exercise

Interesting night of dreams. Redesigning my blogs has seeped into my dreams.

Hollywood movies and actors needed to be more honest and real in one dream. The dreams seemed to be happening on a blog background. It was weird. The more dishonest the movie and actor were, the more spotted and melty the blog background and header became. Take that hollywood!

But it was another dream that had the full gamut of weirdness about it.

Megan and Zach were both trying to get involved in my colleges fitness program which was apparently run by the overzealous, body-building, personal trainer that I rode the bus with and her husband. But I didn't want them to use up all of my money, so I was trying to hide it from them.

At the same time, I was trying to make myself a very sweet mocha (I must miss JAVA) and Jumanji (my first dream of her since her death!) was eating one of the ingredients and threw it all up because it was too sweet and pink. I ended up getting some wheat crackers for her that Megan also wanted. So instead of getting my mocha, I was eating wheat crackers.

We got to the place and there was this dilapidated type of price is right board where you placed a sport device (golf clubs, tennis rackets, etc) in the appropriate hole. I put the golf club in one of them and they said you just have to go out and practice your swing.

Well, I was upset because I can do that without paying.

Then I was sitting in some waiting room for someone who would be setting up my exercise program. I was talking to the before mentioned body builder and her husband when my nose started running. No, not like that. I was pouring - kind of like a really bad nose bleed, but instead of blood it was the slimy mucus gunk. Someone handed me a huge handful of paper towels. I tried to wipe my nose on it, but it was no time at all before it was completely saturated. It was gross.

It was so gross that some of the people who were sitting in the room started leaving. I kept thinking should go to the bathroom to spare everyone, but I was too lazy.

But then, you know what happens at the end of all dreams. You wake up!

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