Friday, April 9, 2010

Puppy in the window

I dreamed a comedy sitcom episode! I was the female lead of a couple. There was this puppy hanging around that neither of us wanted and it was always annoying us. So, we were taking it to the pound. But when we got there and saw it in the cage we started to feel bad and thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a dog after all. We decided to go back in and adopt it. But when we got back inside, there was a boy with some sort of disadvantage (I can't really remember what it was) and he and the puppy had already bonded! It was so sappy sweet. I was awakened by the bang bang bang of the couple downstairs. I woke up confused as to what could be making that sound, when she started moaning and wailing. Then it stopped, but it was too late, I was wide awake.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


First, I got stuck in a vasopressin studies feedback loop. I don't know how long I was actually stuck in it, but I did make my self wake up and play games on the computer (because I have no internet at my apartment even though I paid for it) for about an hour. Once my thought patterns had changed enough I went back to sleep - and learned that Megan just found out she is having triplets and that one of them is actually older than the one she knew she was having. It was really weird. The ultrasound was actually a box filled with black shiny dust protecting two pink porcelain penny banks, and a blue porcelain penny bank. A certain really hated ex boyfriend with a set of twins of his own was explaining how the whole think happened.

I haven't talked to Megan yet today, but I'm pretty sure she is still just having the one baby and that a second, older baby isn't sharing the uterin space.