Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Family and failing

Due to the late hour at which I was able to go to bed, the even later hour at which I was able to fall asleep, and the incredibly early hour at which I had to get up, I only have one dream to report. There were more, but I only remember this one.

I was at some Wheel of Fortune carnival with Lex's mother and her husband. We were on this slippery ride sort of thing, and they couldn't get all the way around it without falling. It was fun, but there was some seriousness about it.

They were being allowed one more attempt at getting it right when Vanna told Karen, "If you don't get it right this time, you might as well forget about going to take your exam tomorrow!" I was a little shocked by that. After all, how did this ride have anything at all to do with her exam? Although deep inside I knew, she would not pass the exam if she couldn't even do something so simple as to stay upright on this course.

She looked at Vanna, a little surprised, but then nodded in agreement. This time she was going to make it. She steeled herself, and got ready for the trial.

She looked good as she started, she was much more cautious in her foot placements. Then came the first wave that she had easily mastered on her previous trials. Immediately, she fell to the ground.

When she got up, her face was marked by disappointment. It wasn't so much falling on the course as much as not getting to go to her exam. She had worked very hard for that exam, but now she was resigned to the fact that she would fail.

That is sort of how I feel right now. No matter how hard I work, what effort I give, how prepared I feel, I am doomed to fail. This is not a good place for me. I hope to get out of it soon.

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